Dr. M's Top 5 Metabolic Enhancers- Jumpstart your Metabolism
June 7, 2009 - Dr. Malik
Green Tea- Contains ECGC a potent thermodynamic enhancer helping melt off pounds while packing a super anti-oxidant punch helping keep Cancer and other diseases from presenting. Be sure to steep your tea for 5 minutes to get all the goodstuff into the cup and it's not a bad idea to use 2 tea bags to be sure. Flavour with a lemon if you like but try not to add sugar. Drink at least 2 big cups a day and more if you want more metabolic kick. Cheers!
Lecithin- This potent fat burner is found in Oatmeal and Eggs. It can also be purchased as a supplement. It has the added benefits of being a great anti-oxidant and helping support healthy brain function. Add an egg (the whole thing!) and a cup of steel cut oats to your morning routine to give you a great boost and energetic start for your day.
Sea Kelp- Supports the Thyroid Gland with a great source of Iodine. The Thryoid gland takes sugar from the body and converts it to heat keeping the body at 98.6 degrees. Iodine helps fuel this metabolic machine. It seems that every third women who comes into my office is on or has been told they need to take a synthetic version of Thryoid Hormone and that is a life sentence. Get your kelp early in life and avoid the pressure of popping pills.
Water- I mention water and it's huge contribution to phenomenal health everyday. Drinking AT LEAST 1/2 your body weight in ounces will propel your metabolism and help your body normalize it's fat within months. (Read my article on water....) Up your dose past the minimum quota and watch your energy and motivation sore and your love handles slowly disappear. It takes about six months of consistent water intake to see the dramatic results but in just a few short weeks you should start to feel awesome!
Superfoods- Superfoods contain potent antioxidants and alkaline boosters to help the body rid it's toxins from fats and help cells function optimally. Eat these foods and watch fat blast away and healthy vitality explode bringing out a youthful glow in that baby soft skin of yours. Here are some superfoods you should incorporate weekly if not daily into your diet. Wheatgrass, Spirulina, Blueberries, Acai Fruit, Gogi Berries, Noni Juice and Grapefruits. Hit your natural healthfood supermarket or CO-OP and pick some of these up today and start living vital.
What to Avoid- Genetically Modified foods, Trans Fats in the form of hydrogenated oils and subsequent products, refined carbohydrates like potatoes, white bread and white sugar. All of these dumb down your nervous system and slow metabolism.
There you have my FAB 5 for Fat Loss! Make them part of your everyday.
Yours in Health and Reaching your maximum potential,
Dr. Malik