Alkalinity: The Power of Going Green
If you listen to one thing I write about. If you take one piece of advice, it’s this! The power of creating an alkaline environment in your body can be the difference between poor health and amazing vitality!The pH of the blood should be 7.63. An alkaline environment is where cells thrive and have the best potential to regenerate and complete their cycle. Acid environments, are those created by diets loaded with protein (Atkins, American), highly refined carbohydrates, sugar and processed foods.
So it’s simple acid kills cells and the opposite, alkalinity lets cells grow and do their thing.
The more acid we have in our bodies also promotes fat tissue to stick around because it buffers acid. Acid in the body is also associated with osteoporosis and kidney stones. If the body is acidic it will excrete calcium from the bones to create it’s own version of TUMS. The problem is that other than depleting your bodies bone density free calcium gets stuck in the sinuses of your kidneys and now you have a calcium oxolate stone, the most common kind of kidney stone.
Do you want the secret to alkalinity? Ok it’s easy.
Drink loads of pure undistilled water. Half your body weight in ounces per day. For every ounce of coffee, juice or tea you drink, you must drink that much more water. ½ body weight in ounces eg. 100lb girl would drink 50 ounces of water
Eat loads of fresh organic fruits and vegetables. I try to convince all my patients to go organic and join a coop or door to door organic delivery (every cool city has one) where the money you spend stays in the community with supporting local farmers.
Go Green! Take a greens supplement every morning on an empty stomach and periodically throughout the day. I have my patients take Greens from Chiropractors Blend. It is the best one I could find it contains: loads of fiber; the green power of spirulina, barley juice, wheat grass; the digestive powers of bromelain, papain, amylase and probiotics; the detoxifying powers of beet juice, milk thistle, green tea and loads more.
Stay away from processed sugars, excessive meats, aspartame and other harsh chemicals, and refined grains. (This means put the soda can down, in fact throw it far away!)
If you follow these simple steps you can protect your body from aging, cancer, sickness and disease. Don’t wait till you start having symptoms, start the GREEN REVOLUTION today!
Yours in Health,
- Dr. Malik